1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism 30 pack


1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST Contact Lenses for ASTIGMATISM are an exceptional combination of comfort and performance in a daily disposable contact lens for astigmatism. LACREON® Technology with an embedded wetting agent creates a long-lasting cushion of moisture.

  • Base Curve: 8.5
  • Diameter: 14.5
SKU: N/A Category:

With 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST Contact Lenses for ASTIGMATISM you get clear, stable vision with the comfort and convenience of a daily disposable lens. Contacts for Astigmatism—when objects are blurry and shadowed at all distances, often accompanied by near or farsightedness.

Product Details:

  • Soft lenses
  • Fresh clean lens every day
  • UV blocking
  • LACREON technology to form a cushion of moisture similar to your natural tears to reduce friction and maintain moisture.

Package Details:

  • 90 pack
  • Daily disposal

Manufacturer: Johnson & Johnson